RIANISTA Mona Buckenmaier: „Schönheit hat nichts mit Konfektionsgröße zu tun“
23. Januar 2019
Autorin und Gründerin Katharina Baumann: „Du hast nur ein Leben, mach was Cooles daraus“
6. Februar 201950 Zitate und Sprüche für mehr Erfolg und Motivation

1. Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping.
2. Don’t worry about people who aren’t happy for you. They probably aren’t happy for themselves either.
3. Keep your mind on the goal and your heart on the why.
4. Work on you. For you.
5. Searching for that one person to change your life? Look in the mirror.
6. She turned her cant’s into cans and her dreams into plans.
7. Find a way or create one.
8. When someone says you can’t do it, do it twice and take pictures.
9. People will love you, people will hate you. And none of them will have anything to do with you.
10. When you love life, life will love you back.
11. I grow through the places I see and the people I meet.
12. Life is magic.
13. Don’t be afraid to sparkle
14. Take it day by day. Don’t stress too much about tomorrow.
15. A grateful heart is a magnet for mircales.
16. If you can’t beat fear, do it scared.
17. All I ever wanted was everything.
18. There will always be someone who can’t see your worth. Don’t let it be you.
19. Give the world good energy.
20. There is no wrong way to be yourself.
21. Dreamers never sleep.
22. Attitude for life: 50% Buddha, 50% Beyonce.
23. Go big to grow big.
24. Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it.
25. Let your heart out, let the light in.
26. If life got that little bit harder, it probably means you levelled up.
27. We are not what other people say we are.
28. No time for drama.
29. Turn down fear, turn up faith.
30. Find a way, not an excuse.
31. Only look back to see how far you have come.
32. Eyes on the stars. Feet on the ground.
33. Sometimes done is better than perfect.
34. I just love seeing other women win.
35. Find the beauty in everyday.
36. I think you should just go for it.
37. Beautiful minds inspire others.
38. Failure is another steppingstone to success.
39. You will never influence the world by being just like it.
40. You are allowed to say no.
41. Start unknown, finish unforgettable.
42. Be productive, not busy.
43. Invest in your mind. Every single day.
44. My secret is simple: I work hard.
45. Even if you fall on your face, you still moving forward.
46. Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.
47. You can’t build confidence in your comfort zone.
48. Supporting anothers success won’t ever dampen yours.
49. You were born to make mistakes, not to fake perfection.
50. You aren’t born to just pay bills and die.
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